Self-care Sunday: Self-care Habits for 2022

Self-care Sunday: Self-care Habits for 2022

Welcome back to the Self-care Sunday newsletter! I’m so happy you’re here!

If you’re on a self-care journey, or you’re just looking to level up your self-care, I can help you with this.

Each week I’ll be sharing my weekly Self-care tips, things I recommend, anything that I’ve been loving or has helped me get through the week, and really create my calm.


I've never been a fan of 'new year, new me', or resolutions in general. I find that resolutions are not sustainable. It's often the excitement of the new year and having a 'fresh start' that make us create a list of resolutions.

Having resolutions can be great, it gives you a goal in mind to work towards. But the thing with resolutions is that there is no consistency with this, making it not sustainable!

Developing healthy habits and being self-disciplined can sound strict and scary, but I think it's the key to achieving any goal.


Here are some ways you can ensure you're achieving your goals and developing habits:


1) Write a list of 'non-negotiables' (the things that you do no matter what) for example:

  • no matter what, I will go out for a walk every day
  • no matter what, I will read for 10 mins every day
  • no matter what, I will

this can be really helpful when you're working from home, and you feel like you're always at your desk but your productivity levels remain the same.

It might be because you feel like you always need to be online and available, but you wouldn't be available 24/7 in the office, so it's okay to go out for a walk, or grab a coffee - break up your days with healthy self-care habits!


2) Write down 3 main goals each day

  • sometimes you give yourself way too much to accomplish in a day, but all you can manage is 3 main goals which are priorities.
  • It might help categorising them like this,
  1. work related goal
  2. health related goal
  3. mindset related goal


3) Form a habit for 21 days

  • stick to ONE habit at a time
  • build this habit over time by sticking to it
  • by focusing on one habit at a time, you're building it up so it will naturally become easier to do overtime!


  • this could be, a habit of trying to drink more water throughout the day, you could track and be conscious of your water intake every day for 21 days, and by the time you know it, you've formed a habit!