Self-care Sunday: Priorities

Self-care Sunday: Priorities

Sometimes when you have a hundred things to do in different aspects of your life, it can become overwhelming and difficult to actually get anything done, because you’re not sure where to start.
This is where prioritisation becomes your bestie.
1) Make categories for each thing you need to get done. For me it might look like this:
  • Law
  • Lifestyle
  • Social
2) Which things have a deadline? Give yourself enough time to get things done, by breaking down larger tasks into smaller tasks. E.g.
  • Bigger task: Launch new product
  • Smaller tasks to complete the large task: research, braintstorm, sourcing supplies, creating product, photoshoot, creating social media content, email newsletters
breaking down each big task helps to tick off the smaller things that need to be done to acheive that big task!
3) Always find time to prioritse you and what you need in order to be productive
  • You can’t always be productive
  • You need to prioritise what is imprtant to you
  • Everyones priorities are different
  • A priority for you may be to see your friends every week.
  • Another person’s priority might be to make sure they get their nails done.
  • Prioritise those things that make you feel like you; happy and positive!
I hope you all have a lovely, restful and safe holiday period! Enjoy time with your loved ones and I’ll see you again in the New Year!
I would love to hear one thing that has got you through the week, or something that has just made your days a little bit easier and lighter.
Have a positive Sunday my loves,
Honufah Alisha, Founder of NOURIE